Monday, November 12, 2007


Pete’s work put together a hike once a month for three months in a row and motivated us to get out and try to do all three. So we did the first one, the second one we missed and this was the third. I borrowed a child carrier and said let's go. The drive was beautiful! I would have loved for you to see the wonderful fall colors but 10 minutes into the trip I realized that I forgot the camera. So you will not be able to see the beautiful streams or fall colors that we crossed as we hiked the Chimneys. You will not see the adorable picture of my sweet husband as he carried our little guy up the trail. You will not see pictures of my little guy when he decided that he needed to give daddy’s back a break and hike on his own (he walked about half a mile). Nor will you see the results of mommy not dressing our little guy warmly enough (red fingers and runny nose). You will not see pictures of my little cyclone as he threw the temper tantrum of the century. He didn’t want to go up the hill anymore, nor down the hill, nor carried on a hip of a parent nor carried in the borrowed carrier. It was great. As we progressed down the trail, we found out that this was a pretty busy trail. Many people were able to witness the meltdown and as they passed they would hear, “buh-bye” and then the crying would start again. We were only about half a mile from the top and never made it. I heard the view was beautiful. We will have to find out another day. I’m still sad about the pictures.


Stephanie said...

I am sad about the pictures too! :(

Sandra said...

So you have a blog??? How fun and exciting to read all of it tonight. Sounds like we missed seeing some great things on this hike. Maybe we can do it sometime next fall:) Im starting to feel better from this terrible cold. Sorry to cancel on you wednesday...I didn't even go to bible study today just cause Id be coughing so much. I think Im on the mend though. Will have to plug your website into my blog so that I can look at this site regularly. Thanks for sharing all these great stories:)