Thursday, November 8, 2007


Caffeine is my friend. It really does make me feel better. However, as I learned yesterday, it can also be my worst enemy. I drank some Coke a little late in the day, thinking that Pete won't be home tonight and I need to have energy to care for the cyclone. Well, I did great all night. Then came time to sleep. Not so great. I feel like I dozed all night long.

It did not help that my sweet husband came home at 10:30 and then went into the bathroom to throw up. After the second time that he got up and I didn't go back to sleep. I went to the couch. Then Nathaniel woke up at 3. I thought that my worst nightmare had come true. Pete would not be able to deal with the throw up this time. I silently prayed that there would be none. There wasn't. He just needed to be cuddled for a few minutes and he went right back to sleep. Yeah! Then I laid on the couch some more and composed this post in my head. The cat then decided that I was in need of a massage....he purred and kneaded me until I thought that I would go crazy. Then I heard Pete's alarm go off. Then he got up. Then I got up...whoa...I needed to go throw up. What fun. Pete decided to stay home and help in case I got sick again. So now, I am caring for our little cyclone and Pete is sleeping. I am glad that I don't feel worse. I am just so tired of the throw ups.


Jon and Melissa said...

Are you sick?? I am confused?? Who threw up? You, Pete or the baby?

momofcyclones said...

Pete threw up all night. I threw up once. The baby none!

Jon and Melissa said...

How fun? Are you sick or was it PG related? No fun!!!

momofcyclones said...

Preggo....if I don't get enough sleep it isn't good. I went to bed at 8 last night and now everything is great!