Monday, October 15, 2007


Well, no one can say that we didn't try. I responded "yes" to the Dollywood e-vite so by golly we were going to try. Nevermind that I didn't feel 100%, nevermind that my child woke up screaming thanks to the cat who ever so thoughtfully went in to wake him by meowing, nevermind that we would probably be late. I should have known that it would be a headache.

He went on his first real ride. Pretty fun. Until I had to take him off the ride. Meltdown. Tried to get him to go on a different ride. Meltdown. He got on a different ride. Loved it. Happy. Tried to get him off. Meltdown. Let him roam free. Happy. Tried to tie his shoe. Meltdown. Finally sick of having people stare at me, sympathetically or otherwise, I put him in the stroller and left the area. He screamed the whole way. Fun.

A peaceful ride. Buttons to push. The breeze in his hair. A girl to look at.

He liked the duck. It went in circles, he could push buttons, and play with the steering wheel.

The resulting meltdown.

Round One: Mini Cyclone 1 Mom 0

We went into a store. They had a little table with Thomas the Train and he played wonderfully with the other children. Then he found a Thomas the Train backpack with wheels. I turned around and he was gone...out of the store...down the sidewalk....ready to leave town. I picked him up (meltdown) and went back to the store. We left after I got tired of chasing him around the store with the backpack. (meltdown) I am thankful that we tried. We did eat yummy food, saw some friends, and were able to ride fun rides....we will just have to try again. Yeah for season pass holders!

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