Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun with Family

Last week we went and visited Pete's parents while Pete went and watched movers pack up our house in Knoxville. Apparently winter weather likes to follow us. The night that we arrived they had an ice storm. It was pretty fun because we weren't out of power but Far Far (Pete's dad) was out of school for 3 days. Nate had a blast playing and sledding and helping. It is amazing to me how quickly he is growing up!
Nate's make shift boots. Regular shoes, cover with plastic bags then cover with thick socks and boot strap suspenders (from far far's time in the army).
Apparently Nate knew that I wasn't a very good driver and was not inclined to sled with me. I still had a great time!!! Notice my father-in-law's army boots that I am wearing!! I was not prepared for winter weather!
Nate observing how to make a scratching post for the cat.
I love how attentive he is to anything Far Far tells him.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Those are some pretty sweet memories!!