Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Looking back

I have been busy scanning all my baby pictures so that we can each have a set. It has been so fun to remember all the fun and crazy things that we did. So, here is a look back!
My older sister had a matching outfit. We were so cool.
Even then I knew what was good for me....chocolate.
Mini Me....spooky how similar Nathaniel and I look.
Me and my little brother. I was two and a half and he was one year old.
My little sister. I was so proud. I was three and she was three months.
(Not purple shoes...that so completely matched!)
The year of the teeth.
*cough* *mullet* *Cough* ...what I didn't say anything. Oh....and the Michal Jackson shirt...I was SUPER cool.
My brother and sister and their friend...the two headed tv monster.
My brother and his friend....

My sister did my hair....and then wouldn't let me talk about it.


Keri said...

Wow! Nathaniel is your mini-me! Fun to look at your new pictures.

Beth said...

Funny pictures. It is crazy how much Nate looks like you.